UK Telephone extension kit problem? - telephone cable uk
You tried to install a telephone extension kit from a friend. Only one problem - can not be a dial tone on the basis of the new extension!
Problem may due to the fact that the colors of the Son in the supplied cable is not attached to the colors on the packaging.
Under the package should be the colors
Terminal 2 - Blue / White
Terminal 3 - Orange / White
Terminal 4 - white / orange
Terminal 5 - white / blue
The actual colors of the ports and are then connected with them:
Terminal 2 - dark blue (not white)
Terminal 3 - orange (not white)
Terminal 4 -white/orange
Terminal 5 - white / blue
Do I have a treat in the wiring or it could be a mistake? Even more annoying, since I took over 3 hours, a 20-meter-long cable from the wall of the LV taken upstairs bedroom, where the extension is necessary!
The existing house is an extension in another room, but I did not think it would make no difference.
1 comment:
Hello, I do not see what you may have been wrong, but it is said that the codes must be followed, but only if each end of the LIQ is the same cable that work, ie master 2-2 should be on extracting 5-5, etc., should follow the code. when the team was that the construction market was given a tool to cut the plastic wire "not as a rule, you continue to press to reduce wire correctly in the IDC connector, add more in the master insert where theres a 2nd search tool for eBay for the crown, they arent exspensive and the average use will last many years. If you are sure the cables are now planned in the database when the IDC connector (rear LJU), May you have a broken cable use a multimeter, cable loop, check it 1 or shorts in the lines are not yet complete, then cut 2 / 5 blue / white and blue when it briefly, then the cable is good. the most important thing is to 2 cables from the main valve to take slaves get. bascially you need in the 2 a.m. to 5 p.m. interconnection, if with this work, please contact me through the AnsweR Page sick if I can help!
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